
I have been in the music business my whole life working in one way or another as a guitar player. Performing live for 30 years, teaching guitar over 40 years, writing songs, writing a music theory course, a modal course, and a beginner course which are all used to run a correspondence school. I have been doing arrangements for two churches and a few composers for many years. I have been on the road, I have lived with a band in a band house, and played everything from school events, bars, and shows. I have been a struggling musician and I have made a healthy income as a musician. I have been in recording studios and have built my own home studio. I have made my living doing something guitar oriented for over 4o years, starting with my first paying gig when I was in 5th Grade.

I have a curiosity about all kinds of things related to the music industry. For example, I remember the first time I came across the term “tritone”……….What the heck is that! ……and, once I knew what it was….So what? What do I do with it  now? What effect is AI having on the industry? Is that good or is that bad? Where is the industry headed and what does that mean for a musician? Is AI going to be picking the stars of tomorrow, is AI going to be picking the tunes? Do I really need a tube amp? How do you teach a 6 year old how to play guitar when they don’t even know what music they like? How do you get in the zone and play with feel?

I love these questions and I love either having the answers through experience or discovering the answers. That is why I put this site together. It is a lot of it is imparting information that I already know, and a lot of it is finding out answers to questions I have from my own curiosity.

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